Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013

Daun Yang Jatuh Tidak Pernah Membenci Angin - Tere Liye

“Daun yang jatuh tak pernak membenci angin. Dia membiarkan dirinya jatuh begitu saja. Tak melawan. Mengikhlaskan semuanya.”
― Tere LiyeDaun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin

“Orang yang memendam perasaan seringkali terjebak oleh hatinya sendiri. Sibuk merangkai semua kejadian di sekitarnya untuk membenarkan hatinya berharap. Sibuk menghubungkan banyak hal agar hatinya senang menimbun mimpi. Sehingga suatu ketika dia tidak tahu lagi mana simpul yang nyata dan mana simpul yang dusta.”
― Tere LiyeDaun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin

"Daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin, dia membiarkan dirinya jatuh begitu saja. Tak melawan, mengikhlaskan semuanya.

Bahwa hidup harus menerima, penerimaan yang indah. Bahwa hidup harus mengerti, pengertian yang benar. Bahwa hidup harus memahami, pemahaman yang tulus.

Tak peduli lewat apa penerimaan, pengertian, pemahaman itu datang. Tak masalah meski lewat kejadian yang sedih dan menyakitkan. Biarkan dia jatuh sebagaimana mestinya. Biarkan angin merengkuhnya, membawa pergi entah kemana.”
― Tere LiyeDaun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin

“Kebaikan itu memang tak selalu harus berbentuk sesuatu yang terlihat.”
― Tere LiyeDaun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin

“Sebenarnya penjelasan yang lebih baik adalah karena aku sering kali berubah pikiran. Semuanya menjadi absurd. Bukan ragu-ragu atau plintat-plintut, tetapi karena memang itulah tabiat burukku sekarang, berbagai paradoks itu. Bilang iya tetapi tidak. Bilang tidak, tetapi iya. Terkadang iya dan tidak sudah tidak jelas lagi perbedaannya.”
― Tere LiyeDaun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin

(The falling leaf doesn’t hate the wind)


Minggu, 08 September 2013

You Know?

when it all becomes so very heavy and I could not back out of it,,,, all the decisions I have taken was just how I was going to live,,, this is not the end .. not yet,, still a long and distant journey,, all so shocking when something shook my life with such shocking news and I can not accept,, when I get used to something that I've lived, how many things are suddenly absent without advance notice .... when I like to go my own way, and there are others who disturb it so disturbing ... Can I just live my life alone? I love life and may be very different from the others .... but why are we going to be different and not normal when we choose the way and have a different life with another person? we are not free to choose and live our own natural way? but there is something that is set and we have to follow the rules .... should??? yaaaa it's a necessity that does not make me look so good with my own life .... I want to live my own, although it is different ...... yaaaa because I'm different and not the same ... only that........ if when I do not like it a must? and I was not really find anything that I'm looking for ... due to limitations of the

Jumat, 19 Juli 2013

story about "you"

Kisah cinta ku sungguh menyebalkan
Benarkah ini cinta???
Atau hanya sekedar rasa kagum yang berlebihan?
Apa???? Aku tidak normal?????
Aku rasa ribuan... ah tidak,,,
mungkin jutaan orang diluar sana juga mengalami hal yang sama denganku
kenapa kisah cintaku tak bisa sesederhana teman-teman ku yang lain
dengan mudahnya mereka menemukan cinta mereka...
berkenalan... pendekatan.....berpacaran,,,menikah lalu memiliki anak
bukankah indah???? Bukankah bahagia??? Bukankah menyenangkan???
Lalu kapan giliranku???
Aoa Tuhan tidak adil????
Kenapa jalan ku begitu rumit dan sulit????
Ah...kita tidak boleh menyalahkan Tuhan
Tuhan tahu yang terbaik untuk ku,,untuk kami....
“Teman-teman” lain yang senasib denganku....
Tuhan punya rencana yang lebih baik untuk ku... untuk kami...
Tapi sungguh ini menyakikan dan menyesakkan
Kenapa kami berbeda?
Kenapa jalan kami terlalu begini?
Kenapa nasib mempertemukan kami dengan takdir yang seperti ini?
Apa yang salah dengan kami?apa yang berbeda dengan kami?
Kami sungguh belum mengerti akan maksud semua ini...
Ajarkan kami untuk mengenal cinta yang sesungguhnya jika cinta kami sekarang bukanlah cinta yang sebenarnya
Kami takut tidak bisa terlepas dari dunia kami ini
Kami ingin seperti teman-teman kami
Aku ingin seperti teman ku,,yang bahagia membangun kehidupan rumah tangga mereka
Dan aku...kami masih disini....
Dengan mimpi dan khayalan kami.....
Dan menyakitkan.......

Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

memories ss5

I ended up doing this, I was lucky once again, thank you this is really thrilling and truly amazing. sorry too late to make the news, but I'm happy, I'm very lucky ^ ^ met my family in a sea of ​​sapphire blue,, I hope someday I can invite friends to join. let us hold together and trying to spirit!!!! kya kya our oppa oppa is very cool, though Yesung is not present and make something is missing, but the rest of it is cool,,, elf you work well,, let's continue to do our best, let's protect our homes yaaaaaaaaa fighting!!!!

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

welcome to the super show *5*

oke ga pa2 wlaupun standing D dan ga ada yesung tapi tetep bersyukur :'))))))))))))))))))))) dan  teman...terima kasih banyak hari ini, aku menyusahkanmu, kamu banyak membantuku,,,ini semua karena kalian yuni, danny terima kasih banyak *bow bareng teuk oppa..... aku jadi benar2 tidak enak hati,,, yuni kamu malah jadi belum dapet tiket, maaf *apa yang harus aku lakukan untuk mu yun,aku pingin bantu kamu juga yun :'((((( maaf dan sekali lagi terima kasih banyak, ini benar-benar daebak sekali terima kasih... dan kamu umay semangat aku tetep berharap kamu bisa nntn bareng *aku lebih berharap kita bisa ke mobit atau whystyle....okeeeeee semangattttt!!!!!!!, oh ya mbak eka,aku berharap ketemu kowe tanggal 2 juni,,,,,pokoke aku pingin ketemu kwe *aku pgn kita semua bisa nntn bersama..... :'))) *suatu saat nanti pasti bisa,,,

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

ss5ina?antara nonton dan tidak!!!!

when a lot of my old friends thought of marriage, I was actually just thinking about this kekekekekekekkkkk I want to watch, even if * he * was not on stage,,,,, I gave up all the contents of my savings,,, my friend, did you not watch? You really do not have the heart to see your husband? and you!!! My college friend,, yes even though he was not there, I hope you can come too. spirit of seeking tickets though savings depleted ...

Senin, 29 April 2013

How Am I Supposed To Live Without You

I could hardly believe itWhen I heard the news todayI had to come and get it straight from youThey said you were leavin'Someone's swept your heart awayFrom the look upon your face, I see it's trueSo tell me all about it, tell me 'bout theplans you're makin'Then tell me one thing more before I go
[Chorus:]Tell me how am I supposed to live without youNow that I've been lovin' you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I've been livin' for is gone
I didn't come here for cryin'Didn't come here to break downIt's just a dream of mine is coming to an endAnd how can I blame youWhen I build my world aroundThe hope that one day we'd be so muchmore than friendsAnd I don't wanna know the price I'mgonna pay for dreamingWhen even now it's more than I can take
[Bridge]And I don't wanna face the price I'mgonna pay for dreamingNow that your dream has come true

Senin, 15 April 2013

I'm sorry mom

mom I did not want to go, I'm feeling bad now .... sorry,,,, maybe I was too childish and never get up, but now maybe I am being to feel about it ... sorry mom
mom .... I'm totally in love right now, but it's not the usual love, not love like my friends, and not love like a mom children's friends or neighbors child .. is completely different, and I really fell in love, but now I'm down and hurt by love,,,, I'm like a childmom is not???? mom what should I do? sorry and do not be mad .... I was different, and what I always felt was always different from the others .... let me like it used to be .... This probably will not be long .... not this pathetic mom?

 like this because my idol .... like a fool is not it? ummmmmmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,
maybe I'm just kidding mom hahahahahaha .... I'm too much of it? :'))))))))))

Selasa, 09 April 2013

you're beautiful in your own way

«I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine.»

«Learning is the discovery that something is possible.»

«Our dependency makes slaves out of us, especially if this dependency is a dependency of our self-esteem. If you need encouragement, praise, pats on the back from everybody, then you make everybody your judge.»

«To mature means to take responsibility for your life, to be on your own. Psychoanalysis fosters the infantile state by considering that the past is responsible for the illness.»

«...nobody can stand truth if it is told to him. Truth can be tolerated only if you discover it yourself because then, the pride of discovery makes the truth palatable.»

«Lose your mind and come to your senses.»

«You cannot achieve happiness. Happiness happens and is a transitory stage. Imagine how happy I felt when I got relief from bladder pressure. How long did that happiness last?»

«The only difference between the wise man and the fool is that the wise man knows he is playing.»

Gestalt Prayer

«I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped.»

(Fritz Perls, 1969)


Rabu, 03 April 2013

ke seoul yukkkk ^^

ngapain ngeshare seoul ki????? pingin banget yak kesana????....
iyalahhhhhh.... pingin bnget ke SEOUL..... SEOUL saudara-saudara.... seoul beneran....
astaga aku pingin banget ke seoul bebeh.... tanah para ahjussi-ahjussi tercintahhhh!!!!!
uri superman....... ajeeee gileeeee.... segitu demennya yak????? aisshhhhhh pokoknye seoulllllllllll......
makkkk,,,,, ke seoul makkkk *jual apaan nak???? dasar anak tidak tahu diuntung wkwkwkwkwkwkwk
kalau mau kuliah disana,,, ummmmbbbbb berat behhhh beratttttt...... bisa bisa aja sihhh.... bisa gila tapi wkwkwkwkwkwk otak ku sedeng-sedeng aja... *sedengkul maksud nya hehehehehehe
mau kerja???? astagaaaaaa.... kerja apaan????? jadi noona-noona koordi boleh *colek om soo man,,, *kedipin manja bang yeye... eaaaaaaaaaaa.... mau dongggg, mupeng!!!!! *muka pingin dihajar kali buuuuuu......aaaaaaaaahhhhhh pokoknya pingin kesana apapun yang terjadi *hummmbbbb semangat 45 bebehhhh..... aku semangat nya cuma kalau begini doang.... udah ah, capek nulis  *siapa suruh ki....
mending kekorea aja yukkkk nemenin bang ye yang mau wamillll.... entar ikutan perang... *tiba-tiba hening.... stop ngomongin wamil apalagi perang *lah kan aku sendiri yang dari tadi riweeehhh.... ah abanggggggg!!!!!

Erotomania is a type of delusion in which the affected person believes that another person, usually a stranger, high-status or famous person, is in love with him or her. The illness often occurs during psychosis, especially in patients with schizophreniadelusional disorder or bipolar mania.[1] During an erotomanic episode, the patient believes that a "secret admirer" is declaring his or her affection to the patient, often by special glances, signals, telepathy, or messages through the media. Usually the patient then returns the perceived affection by means of letters, phone calls, gifts, and visits to the unwitting recipient. Even though these advances are unexpected and often unwanted, any denial of affection by the object of this delusional love is dismissed by the patient as a ploy to conceal the forbidden love from the rest of the world.[2]
The term erotomania is often confused with "obsessive love", obsession with unrequited love, or hypersexuality. Obsessive love is not erotomania by definition. Erotomania is also called de Clérambault's syndrome, after the French psychiatrist Gaëtan Gatian de Clérambault (1872–1934), who published a comprehensive review paper on the subject (Les Psychoses Passionelles) in 1921.

Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Dia Pasti Kembali ^^

kami ingin kau mengucapkan ini
Waktu tlah tibaAku kan meninggalkanTinggalkan kamuTuk sementara
Kau dekap akuKau bilang jangan pergiTapi ku hanya dapat berkata
Aku hanya pergi tuk sementaraBukan tuk meninggalkanmu selamanyaKu pasti kan kembali pada dirimuTapi kau jangan nakalAku pasti kembali
Kau peluk akuKau menghibur dirikuKau bilang janganlah ku pergilekat tatapmu buat hatiku sedihTapi ku hanya dapat berkata
Apabila nantiKau rindukankuDidekapmu ohTak perlu kau risaukanAku pasti akan kembali oh
_____untuk Clouds,untuk ELF____________

Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

don't cry oppa.... jeballll

Ss5 seoul 23-24 maret, astaga konser penuh kejutan dan air mata..... hari pertama, siip kejutan mulaiiiii... jederrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... oke shock,surprise, banyak yang ga biasa, dan kalian tahu YESUNG OPPA jatuh.... jatuh beb di panggung, sakitttttttttt kasihan jd g bisa ngelanjutin dengan maksimal, bebeh kamu hati-hati dong, udah gitu sok-sok an pamit mau wamil lagi,,,, apa-apa an coba???? Aku belum liat kamu lagi, temenku umay yang juga elep khususon clouds juga belum sempet ketemu kamu beh... kamu jahat ya?kamu tega ya? Kamu serius mbiarin aku menanggung hutang dan rasa bersalah ku pada umay yang belum sempet aku bayar gara-gara belum sempet ngajak dia ketemu kamu.... kamu jahat ye :’((( mendung tau..... mandung... ujan ni deres banget, kamu puas ya bikin mewek sejuta umat, tahu gak yang bias nya bukan kamu aja mirisss, pedih, sakit,, nangisss, gimana kita-kita yang ngebiasin kamu coba.... banyak yang langsung berubah status jadi janda kamu tau gak sih... aku ama temenku ampe dimarahin orang-orang gara-gara nyampah di beranda orang. Itu semua karena kita update status tentang kamu bebeh... galau in kamu... tahu gak sih... di hari kedua kamu makin cengeng, dasar mewek mulu ih, gak tahu apa sakittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt kita nangis ampe banjir *oke ini lebeiiiii..... pagi-pagi mata dan hati berat, kamu pikir kita penganguran? Kuliah kita berantakan... sehari Cuma coret-coret kertas tentang kamu beh....... ahhhh kamu tuh gak adil tau gak sih kalau Cuma konser di seoul aja, negara lain juga nunggu kamu... pliss jangan pilih kasih, semua lagu yang kita puter akhirnya banyak-banyak tentang goodbye,goodbye mulu, bosen ah ngomongin goodbye ma wamil,,,, aku gak ikhlas di ss5ina ga denger adlibs kamu, gak lihat dance random kamu, kamu beda tau dari sushow-sushow yang dulu-dulu atau kamu biasane, kamu gak oke kalau gak ngerusuh, gak asyik kalau kamu gak konyol, gak lengkap kalau kamu gak beringas, pokok e gak perfect kalau gak ada kamu...... auk ah pokok e super show indonesia harus ada kamu, gak mau tahu!!!!!! Kita mau tunjukin ke orang-orang kalau mubank jakarta bukan konser terakhir kamu di indonesia sebelum kamu wamil,,, plisss kita dah nabung, kita dah nangis, tolong liat kerja keras kita ini,,, tolong bangetttt..... we always here, waiting for you... kalau kamu menangis kami juga akan lebih menangis, tolong kuat dan kembali untuk kami....kami akan menyimpan hati kami hingga saat itu tiba,,,, saat setelah 2 tahun penantian kami kelak... kami akan setia menunggu suara mu dan tingkah mu kembali.... seperti sebelum kamu pergi, semua tidak akan berubah yang akan berubah hanya kau akan menjadi lebih baik kelak. oppa faighting....... we always here, for you,,,,, forever, cz we're EverLasting Friends...... :)))))))))))
            My heart that loved you, my eyes that looked you are still here.
Oh baby say goodbye, Oh it’s just good bye for a while. “Say goodbye” I will try to put it aside for a while.
If I open the door and step a step into, finally, it will convey your breath to my nose.
I can feel your warm hands for a while in the cold wind.
All traces of your tears stay on my cheeks.
It’s a short journey, the painful wounds in my heart will be cleaned by the time then when I meet you, I will tell you that I miss you.
Oh baby say goodbye, Oh it’s just good bye for a while. “Say goodbye” I will try to put it aside for a while.
If I open the door and step a step into, finally, it will convey your breath to my nose.
The sun and the moon today are still be that way, also unchanged .
Oh, Why my heart changes so quickly again.
You look like a blue sky when the rain falls.
Being wet in the rain, I will try to hide the falling tears yeah~
Oh baby say goodbye, Oh it’s just good bye for a while. “Say goodbye” I will try to put it aside for a while.
If I open the door and step a step into, finally, it will convey your breath to my nose.
Everything I wanted to do in the past was so stupid, you are so precious.
Oh baby say goodbye, Oh it’s just good bye for a while. “Say goodbye” I will try to put it aside for a while.
If I open the door and step a step into, finally, it will convey your breath to my nose.
Oh baby say goodbye, Oh it’s just good bye for a while. “Say goodbye” I will go back the place I’ve been.
That when I open the door and step a step into, I want to be stand in front of you .
My heart that loved you, my eyes that looked at you..will wait for you.”

I can’t read your feelings since you try not to meet eyes with me,
Because I feel like a lost child, I just wait

Truthfully, I know what you’re going to say,
But I can feel that it’s not your whole heart; your tears tell me
Don’t say goodbye,
I can hear your heart telling me not to let go of your hands,
I can hear you heart; You still just want me,
You can’t hide it, you can’t lie
I won’t allow it your lie of wanting to separate,
Look in my eyes and tell me,
It’s notit’s not the truth
Don’t say goodbye,
I can hear your heart telling me not to let go of your hands,
I can hear your heart; Even if the world turns its back on us; Even if it’s a painful love,
You are my love, you are my soul
Don’t say goodbye, don’t leave me now,
The promises we’ve shared is everything to me
Don’t say goodbye, you are my everything to me,
My tired days only look for you,
Like a pond which won’t dry, I’ll love you,
You are my love, you are my soul
Don’t say goodbye, you are the only one for me,
As if nothing has happened, if today passes,
Let’s not let go of each other, and we’ll make it through,
Cause you are my everything to me,
Cause you are my everything to me”

Seminggu ini bener-bener sibuk.... hehehehehe baru ngerasain sibuk nie critanya wkwkwkwkwkw...... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh danussss... eottokhe banyak saingan partner gak solid, sedihhhh.... humas mana humas, itu tugas ku yang lain merangkap macem2 hehe, menghubungi pembicara,buat surat undangan buat pembicara,minta tanda tangan undangan dan proposal, nganterin proposal dan nyari sponsor bebeh..... semangat-semangat.... tugas semangat walaupun dikejar deadline... phaighting kakak..... gak pa2 semangat aja lah,, 

Senin, 18 Maret 2013

Hujan hari ini
(titip rindu untuk awan kami)

Hari ini pun hujan
Sama seperti hari kemarin
Saat mendung menangisi sang awan
Diiringi sepi berbalut sendiri
Tak ada yang terjadi,
Selain langit Tiba-tiba dengan mata berat ingin menumpahkan hujan

Rasa menggugah tanya,
Apa kau kedinginan disana wahai awanku?
Apa kau juga merindukan kami,
Seperti kami merindukan mu?
Apa kau senang berada disana?
Apa kau merasa susah tinggal disana?
Apa perjalanan mu disana terasa berat?
Jangan terlalu mengeluh
Karena kami ragu jika kau tak kuasa,
Menahan beban beratmu sendiri
Tahukah kau bila kami sering merindukan dan memimpikan mu?
Kami tahu kau pun belum siap untuk semua ini
Tapi berjanjilah kawan kau akan selalu tenang disana
Karena kami sedih bila kau menangis dan terluka
Jangan sakit dan tetap temani kami di sini
Karena kami akan selalu kirimkan kado terindah untuk mu
Walaupun hujan terasa setiap hari.....
Walau sepi tak pernah beranjak meninggalkan kami
 dan mendung selalu menyelimuti langit ini
Disini.....ditempat ini....
Tuhan kami titip awan kami

ini adalah tulisan pertama saya.... salam kenal ^^